// AI Security  & Safety

Reduce false alarms, scale security defenses, and increase visibility in a rapidly evolving AI and threat landscape.

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CEOs agreed that AI-based decisions need to be explainable to be trusted.
-PwC 22nd Annual CEO Survey


of cyber practitioners cite GenAI as a driving factor behind increased attacks.
-Deep Instinct 2023 Report
Cignal serves Federal, commercial, and non-profit clients:

Improved Outcomes

Tools and resources to help modern enterprises manage security and risk.

Anticipate Zero Day
Leverage threat generators to predict and defend against novel threats.
Improve Detection
Test and evaluate black box AI-enabled systems to reduce false alarms.
Prevent Losses
Operationalize Cignal insights faster to prevent catastrophic loss.

“Access to labeled AT and CT training data has the potential to create advanced detection systems with superior capabilities.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) | Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Cignal Award Press Release

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