AI Security

Perform adversarial and security tests against your AI systems to inform and improve current security posture.

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AI Security Use Case: Protecting Against AI Vulnerabilities and Threats

Why It Matters: Protecting AI systems from adversarial attacks and understanding AI-powered threats are two sides of the same coin. Malicious actors can exploit weaknesses in AI models to manipulate outputs or steal data, while AI itself can be used to develop new attack vectors.

How Cignal Helps: Cignal's platform helps on both fronts. It provides tools for adversarial testing and vulnerability assessment to identify and fix weaknesses in your own AI models.  Additionally, Cignal's threat intelligence keeps you informed about emerging AI-powered threats, enabling proactive defense strategies.

This two-pronged approach is crucial for protecting AI-powered systems, mitigating risks, and maintaining trust in AI technologies.

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AI Security