Threat Detection

Strengthen security and optimize throughput at public venues by leveraging Cignal's AI-powered threat detection capabilities to identify potential threats in real-time.

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Why It Matters: Developing robust AI-powered security systems requires rigorous testing and validation. Traditional methods involving real-world data collection and manual annotation are time-consuming, expensive, and limited in their ability to simulate diverse and dynamic threat scenarios.

How Cignal Helps: The Cignal Sandbox platform is a virtualized testing and deployment environment that leverages synthetic data to generate a wide range of threat scenarios. The OpenLane Edition of the Sandbox simulates various screening systems encountered at airport checkpoints, allowing you to develop, train, and validate AI security screening models in a safe and controlled environment. This accelerates development cycles, reduces reliance on real-world data, and enables the creation of more dynamic and adaptive threat detection systems.

Develop, test, and deploy cutting-edge AI security screening solutions with Cignal Openlane.

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